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Wainganga Incubation Center (WIC)

We empower individuals with transformative ideas by providing them with the necessary tools, mentorship, and resources to turn their visions into successful ventures. Our comprehensive support system extends from initial ideation to market launch, ensuring every step of your entrepreneurial journey is guided and supported. Through personalized mentorship and tailored resources, we aim to nurture creativity and innovation, fostering a dynamic ecosystem of growth and success.

Implementation Framework

Focus on employee retention

This plays a significant role in future-proofing our business, and with the uncertainty surrounding climate change (amongst other things), now seems like a good time to revisit this.


Hire temporary


Considering the uncertainty of future outcomes in employment, the organization should consider hiring on a temporary basis. This may help us meet the demands of our clients.


Outsource critical business processes

We are considering outsourcing some of our critical business processes. Our primary goal is to reduce costs in order to keep our pricing competitive and profitable.


Develop a new product strategy

We recognise that it is time to develop a new product strategy. One that will consider all aspects of the subject and provide a number of opportunities for massive growth without cannibalising our existing business.


Events and Activities

  • Seminars

  • Investor Meets

  • Panel Discussions

  • Networking Events

  • Business Idea Competitions

  • Hackathons

  • Demo Day


Infrastructure Gallery

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